Everything you need to know before you see us.

Get a referral from your vet.

In order to provide the best care for your pet we require a referral from your local veterinarian prior to setting an appointment time. This ensures the opportunity to work closely with your veterinarian during your pets treatments. After this has been done clients can set up an appointment to have their pet seen by a board certified dermatologist.

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Frequently asked questions.

Do I need a referral to have my pet seen by a dermatologist?

We are strictly a referral practice. You will need to have your family veterinarian contact us to make the referral.

Why do I need a referral from my local veterinarian?

We choose to work closely with your local veterinarian in order to get accurate health history and help with follow-up appointments.

Why do allergy skin testing?

In most cases, we are confident that your pet has allergies prior to testing. The purpose of testing is to determine specific environmental allergens that your pet is reacting to in order to formulate a treatment (allergy immunotherapy).

Will the test include food allergy?

The test does not include food allergy. Skin and blood testing for food allergies are considered highly inaccurate. We recommend completing a strict elimination diet in order to accurately determine dietary items that are causing allergic symptoms.

What do I need to know if my pet is referred for allergy skin testing?

Those patients being referred specifically for intradermal skin testing will need to have the following medications withdrawn prior to testing:

• Oral corticosteroids (Prednisone):4 weeks

• Short-acting injectable corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Vetalog) : 4-6 weeks

• Long-acting injectable corticosteroids (Depo-medrol) : 8-12 weeks

• Topical corticosteroids (including ear medications like Otomax) : 4 weeks

• Antihistamines (Benadryl, Zyrtec, Hydroxizine, etc.) : 2 weeks

• Amitriptylline (Elavil) : 2 Weeks

• Oral progestins (Ovaban, etc.) : 4 weeks

• Intact female dogs must be out of heat for at least 4 weeks before allergy testing can be performed.

Your pet should be fasted unless your pet is a diabetic. Please contact our office if you have questions about a medication your pet is currently taking.

What can I do to keep my pet comfortable while waiting to be tested?

You can have your pet wear a T-shirt and/or bathe more frequently. Bathe with cool
(but not cold) water to help relieve itchiness. If these measures are ineffective, please ask your veterinarian to call us for further recommendations.

When will I have the results for the skin testing?

The results of the intradermal allergy testing will be available the same day as testing. Allergy immunotherapy (allergy vaccine) will be formulated based on your pets positive reactions. Typically allergy injections will be started within 1-2 weeks after testing.

Why would I do Allergy immunotherapy for my pets allergies?

Allergy immunotherapy is the only therapy that directly addresses your pets allergies to environmental allergens such as grasses, trees, weed pollens, molds, and house dust mites. It is also a very safe and effective long-term therapy.

How will the allergy vaccine be given?

You will be taught how to administer subcutaneous injections by either us or your referring veterinarian.

Should I be prepared to leave my pet overnight for testing?

Your pet will not need to stay with us overnight. However, you should be prepared to leave your pet for a few hours for testing.

If my pet is on allergy immunotherapy, will he need other therapies?

In some cases, there is almost complete cessation of allergic symptoms once the allergy injections are started. In other cases, there is a significant reduction in the symptoms, but other symptomatic treatments are necessary. The goal of allergy immunotherapy is often to eliminate or limit the use of steroids (prednisone, etc) for management of your pets allergies.

If my pet fails to respond to allergy immunotherapy, are there other treatment options?

There are many ways in which to manage chronic allergies in dogs and cats. We will guide you through the various treatment options in order to find the right combination of treatment that keeps your pet as comfortable as possible.


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